The effectiveness of the using scenario and video in distance nursing education during COVID-19 pandemic
Becoming a nurse can be a very fulfilling career choice, especially for professionals who enjoy providing care and finding solutions that meet their patients' needs. Becoming a registered nurse has several career benefits, including high salaries, positive job prospects, opportunities for advancement, and opportunities for specialization. If you are considering a career as a nurse, it may be helpful to consider some of these benefits when making your decision. Caregivers have the opportunity to work in areas of interest. For example, nurses are needed in the fields of delivery, cardiovascular surgery, mental health and dialysis. In other words, what field of medicine is you interested in? Nurses are needed to take care of patients. All nurses receive basic training. Nursing programs provide candidates with the basic skills necessary to care for patients. After graduation, hospitals and medical institutions offer training programs that help nurses acquire the skills and knowledge to practice in the field. Nurses can choose the area that interests them the most and work in that area. But doing professional work can also burn you out. In this case, nurses have the opportunity to change their specialty without returning to school. Take your time and evaluate yourself. Think about why you don't like your current specialty because it might help you make the right decisions. Learn about your area of ​​expertise and gain hands-on experience. Have a nurse accompany you and network with nurses working in the field. If the switch you are making is a drastic change. Additional training is available from pediatrics to labor and delivery. This can be as simple as a full-day workshop or nursing certification course. In the healthcare industry, nurses are typically responsible for providing basic patient care in settings such as hospitals, outpatient clinics, private practitioners, rehabilitation facilities, nursing homes, and patient residences. We achieve this overarching goal through a variety of tasks, including: B. Perform a physical examination, record symptoms, assess condition, and work with other health care providers to design an individualized treatment plan. One of her major benefits of becoming a registered nurse is the rewarding nature of caring for others and helping them achieve health and wellness. These commitments are at the heart of the nursing profession. Many who become nurses do so with a clear goal of providing compassionate and comprehensive care while saving lives in the process. From departments to rural areas, we need nurses to care for the wounded and sick everywhere. Therefore, you can choose where you want to work as a nurse. Additionally, some nurses are travel nurses by profession. That means they travel across the country and work in a new location every 13 weeks. Nursing can be a strong career for working adults who love to travel. As a nurse, you have access to a variety of career opportunities. Depending on her specific interests and goals, she can be promoted to shift her manager, floor manager, or higher management. In addition, entry into another medical profession such as B. Physician's assistant or nurse, from nursing in the regular industry. There is some flexibility in the care department. Some nurses work part-time, while others work full-time. In addition, nurses may work seasonally or on a temporary basis to meet specific scheduling needs or for greater flexibility.