Relative engineering and catching performances of paired penaeid-trawling systems
One of the advantages of pair trolls is that they can be pulled close to the surface. The shoaling effect of two boats increases the efficiency of catching in shallow water and on the surface. A pair of trollers is of similar size and performance. Trolling is a fishing method in which two boats tow one of her chains (traction cables). No bottom trawling is required as the net openings are held open by the lateral pull of the individual vessels. With the traction of two boats without an otter board, it can handle larger nets than would otherwise be the case. Alternatively, you can have two boats for better gas mileage. Since no door is required, the equipment layout can be simplified by simply attaching the warp threads directly to the blades of the net. She uses one boat to set up and carry the nets and another of hers for towing only. Usually, everyone takes turns doing these operations. Trolling is effective for all benthic organisms. In shallow water where the noise of one vessel can disperse fish, two vessels operating at a certain distance tend to drive fish into the net path. Catches per vessel are often significantly higher than can be achieved with standard bottom trawling. Increased efficiency of pair trawling allows ships to troll their gear at higher speeds in medium water to target species that can normally escape trawlers. This has caused some controversy due to the high levels of bycatch of associated marine mammals, and the UK government has banned pair trawl fishing for bass in UK territorial waters. However, middle-rise pair trawls can be designed with more rectangular openings than common middle-rise otter trawls. A mid-level trawler can be equipped with two tow chains from each vessel or one tow chain and rein assembly from each vessel. One of the advantages of pair trolls is that they can be pulled close to the surface. The fish-collecting effect of the two boats improves the efficiency of capturing in shallow water and on the water's surface. Findings show that higher fuel consumption in trawlers may erode some of the profits, but overall profit margins for units during pair trawl fishing remain high, suggesting that fishermen have a secret pair you will be tempted to engage in trawl fishing. Limiting engine power, regulating equipment size and operation, and enforcing legal mesh sizes through strict “monitoring, control, and monitoring mechanisms” will reduce the negative effects of pair trawls. Karnataka states, is an important coastal state with post-monsoon trawl fishing. In the early 1990s, her one-day fleet (SDF) short-haul trawlers with an overall length (LOA) of 9–11.2 m and an engine power of 37–88 hp were used in-depth zones of 10–18 m. Pair trawl fishing grew in popularity in 2013 and was conducted by large multi-day cruising trawlers with 20-meter LOAs, primarily targeting filefish and squid (including juveniles) along the entire deep water area. Ocean trawls are generally much larger than bottom trawls and can be towed by one or two boats (pair trawls). Designed to target medium and surface fish such as herring, hoki, and mackerel. Acoustic technology pinpoints the location and depth of target fish and adjusts the course of boats and trawlers accordingly.